

Building a Dock at Your Magnetawan Cottage

Dogs at the waterfront

Docks & Swim Rafts in Magnetawan

Dock repair is generally not a "permit required" situation. Crib, floaters and pole docks all need attention from time to time so as a rule you can do minor repairs ( ie. stringers, rotten board etc.) without a permit. Some areas have different rules so check with your local building official to be sure. There are differing regulations depending on the size of the dock as well with anything over 15 square meters. Keep in mind that  docks should not cross the property line extended over the lake and many townships have side setbacks. Generally only 1 dock is allowed per property unless they're over a certain frontage, often  90 meters. Check the local by-laws.

On the M.N.R. (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources) it states website;

Dock projects that generally DO NOT require a work permit:

  • Docks and boathouses supported by posts, stilts, poles or floats
  • Boathouses not located on shore lands
  • Docks and/or boathouses where the total footprint of the crib(s) or other supporting structures to be constructed or     placed on the bed of the water body does not exceed 15 sq. metres
  • Any combination of the above (i.e. a post dock and a crib dock occupying 15 sq. metres or less of the bed)
  • Boat lifts and marine railways where the occupied area of the bed of the water body is less than 15 sq. metres
  • Removal of an old dock or boathouse, except where rock filled cribs are to be removed and would be considered dredging.

Dock and boathouse projects that DO require a work permit:

  • Any docks and/or boathouses where the total footprint of cribs or other supporting structures to be constructed or placed on the bed of the water body exceeds 15 square meters
  •  Ministry of Natural Resources approval is now required from anyone wanting to build, replace or expand a dock on or above more than 15 square metres of shoreline (161 square feet). The same new rules also apply for single-storey boathouses.
  • If you adding to an existing system or constructing a new dock you will probably, depending on the township, need an approved building permit.
  •  If the area you want to place the dock is Environmentally Protected or is a fish habitat area restrictions may be in place. Contact the Departrment of Fisheries and Oceans for current guidelines.

On the other hand, work permits are required for projects where the total footprint of cribs or other supporting structures on the water body's bed exceeds 15 square meters.

Additionally, the Ministry of Natural Resources now mandates approval for building, replacing, or expanding docks that cover more than 15 square meters of shoreline (161 square feet) or for single-storey boathouses. If you plan to add to an existing system or construct a new dock, depending on your township, you may require an approved building permit. Be aware that if the area designated for your dock is environmentally protected or a fish habitat, specific restrictions may apply. In such cases, we recommend contacting the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the latest guidelines.

To navigate the complexities of dock construction regulations, we strongly advise enlisting the services of a knowledgeable local contractor who is well-versed in the latest rules and regulations. While some townships, like Parry Sound, may not demand a building permit for many dock builds, others do, so it's always best to confirm. Non-compliance can result in substantial fines from multiple levels of government. We have an extensive network of approved builders in Muskoka and Parry Sound and would be happy to provide you with a list. Feel free to give us a call to learn more.

lake joseph, MUSKOKA
Local Dock Manufactures / Installers

We cover a large area from Kahshe Lake to South River & across to Parry Sound so if you're frustrated looking for a reliable contractor for your dock system just give us a call and we would be happy to recommend one.

For now, here's a few of our go-to companies....

  1. Ahmic Marine & Maintenance - Magnetawan Area including  Ahmic Lake, Lake Cecebe & Neighick Lake.
  2. Kropf Industrial - Parry Sound  Area including Georgian Bay, Otter Lake, Whitefish Lake etc.
  3. Dock Depot - Bracebridge ( Lake Joseph, Lake Muskoka, Lake Rosseau etc )
  4. Innovative Dock Designs - Gravenhurst ( Kahshe, Lake Muskoka, Severn etc.)


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